Monday, January 30, 2012

Review: Shutterbug Follies

Shutterbug Follies is a juicy little murder mystery with a quirky leading lady and surreal twists and turns that are sure to enthrall.  For anyone who's ever wished that their hum-drum life were more like a movie, let SF serve as a warning.  Sometimes you get what you wish for.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Review: Epileptic

A journey through the devastating effects of sickness on a family, and a contemplation on all of the ways a person can be ill, Epileptic travels the dark roads of the author's past. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Review: Habibi

Cementing his place as one of the most creative and artistically talented graphic novelists I've had the pleasure to read, Craig Thompson's Habibi is a breathtaking meditation on the meaning and strength of love in a cruel and unforgiving world.  Illustrated in gorgeous ink-and-brush that will pull you in, Habibi is one in a million.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Questions - Death: The High Cost of Living

Hey guys!  It's time for a new round of questions for this month's book, Death: The High Cost of Living.  Set in a world of music, celebrity, and emotional strife, things are already pretty complicated when Death herself comes knocking.  Read on for this month's discussion questions!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Review - League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 1

Talk about your unique settings! LoEG is an alternate fictional timeline, teaming up turn of the century characters such as Mina Murray (Dracula), Allan Quatermain (King Solomon's Mines), Captain Nemo (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), The Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, and Mycroft Holmes (brother of Sherlock Holmes).  When a mysterious enemy threatens the British Empire, this rag-tag group of misfits is called together to defend it - whether they want to or not.