Monday, August 19, 2013

The End

Today is my last day as an employee of the Craighead County Public Library.  Whether or not Graphic Content was a huge success in terms of numbers (decidedly not), it was still a huge success to and for me.  I did not reach as wide of an audience as I wanted, but I did reach a few, and I did introduce a lot of people to books that they loved, which they would never have looked at otherwise.  I did get people who did not have a lot of other social interaction out of the house, and talking to others.  And it did bring me a lot closer to a very special group of friends.

So, as of today, this blog is officially dead.  I will be leaving it up, so that the archive of reviews and the Recommended Reading list will still be available.  But don't despair!  I have began a new blog (Clang! Pow! Zap! on Tumblr), which will not only host reviews on comics, but also reviews on movies, shows, games, and all other sorts of nerdy miscellany.  I will be sharing writing duties with my husband Doug, who is really super awesome.   

Keep reading those comics kids.  You might just learn something.

- Paisley

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Questions: Daytripper

Like, whoa, that was deep, right?  Head on in to the questions and we'll begin sifting through the layers of twin Brazilians Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon's quiet rumination on death, Daytripper.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

TV Review: Beware the Batman

Recently, Cartoon Network began airing their brand-new computer animated caped crusader show, Beware the Batman.  It is the first Batman show to debut after the end of the much beloved Brave and the Bold series.  Between that and the iconic 90s Batman: The Animated Series, this show has big shoes to fill.  Recently my husband and I sat down to watch the first three episodes, and I am here to report my findings!