Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Review - Graphic Novels: Everything You Need To Know

Graphic Novels: Everything You Need To Know by Paul Gravett is a first class graphic novel primer for people of all ages and interests who just don't know where to start!  Though the author encourages you to skip around and find what interests you, I read the book straight through and had a hard time putting it down!  I'll go ahead and say that I would highly recommend this book to anyone, old fan or beginner, who wants to learn more about great graphic novels.  Click on to read more!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Review - Barefoot Gen, Volumes 1 & 2

Hey, hey, faithful readers, check it out!  A manga!  After reading the fabulous Graphic Novels: Everything You Need to Know by Paul Gravett, a veritable compendium of graphic goodness, I was drawn to reading the first two volumes of Barefoot Gen, the almost autobiographical account of one boy's survival of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Review - Batwoman: Elegy

Learn the past of the mysterious lone wolf Batwoman, who took upon the symbol of the bat without invitation. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Review: What It Is

Strap in tight kids, because What It Is by Lynda Barry is not a graphic novel even I was prepared for.  One third autobiography, one third philosphy/psychology, and one third writing exercise, the entire shebang is wrapped up in collage and paint artwork that is simultaneously beautiful and jarring in the flood of information it conveys.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rants/Raves: Why I Don't Read Manga

You may have noticed that there is one glaring absence in my coverage of the graphic medium: manga.  Why is this?  Well, two reasons.  1) The library already had a Manga and Anime club for teens so it seemed redundant, and 2) I don't read manga and I know next to nothing about it.

I'm a bit ashamed.  With the growing popularity of manga in America, especially with teens and children, you'd think it would be easy for me to get into.  Large book retailers keep shelves of hundreds and hundreds of titles.  It's very available.  But that's also part of why it's so intimidating to me.  There's so much!

Let's go back a little bit.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Drawing Words & Writing Pictures Course

As you've probably noticed, I am interested in comics in all ways, from reading, to analyzing, to creating.  Recently I picked up Drawing Words & Writing Pictures, by Jessica Abel (whose brilliant La Perdida is already on my recommended reading list) and Matt Madden.  These two authors have a lot of experience in teaching comics courses, and wrote this as a definitive text book.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Month 2 - Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned

The Real World by MTV. A show and a network known for promoting endless hours of shallow, pointless pop programming.  Who knew that there was a time that their vast power could be used for the spread of vital information and social enlightenment?

WARNING: Slight Spoilers Ahead!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Girl Comics - Book Review 3

Marvel's Girl Comics is the Marvel company's attempt to bring attention to the women who make their living by creating superhero comics.  The entire book (a collection comprised of entire 3 issue run of the Girl Comics miniseries) is completely created by women only, from the art and writing, down to the lettering, inking, coloring, and even editing. 

While the book contains some fantastic work in both the art and storytelling, and the idea sounds noble, the entire thing comes off as sort of condescending.  I mean, what would really be honorable to female creators would be to hire them more often and promote their regular work.  I mean no disrespect to the women that worked on this book.  Like I said, the actually content was mostly pretty amazing.  And they take the time in between stories to do dossiers on women who have led the way by working in comics during even more segregated times.  But it's pretty obvious from the get-go that the entire thing is more of a publicity stunt than an actually attempt at bringing about equality of the genders in superhero publishing.

Here's why:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Black Hole - Book Review 2

For our next review, let's muddy our feet in the mire of teenage anxiety and isolation, with Charles Burns' 1996 release, Black Hole.

Set in the middle-class neighborhoods and teen haunts of a 1970s Seattle, Black Hole immediately faces the reader with the the protagonists' dilemma: there's a bug going around the high school population and you get it by having sex.  Well, obviously, right?  But this is no ordinary burning case of jock-itch; once you've got the bug, you're done for.  That's because this STD turns kids into monsters with grotesque physical deformities, each one unique and terrifying.  If you're one of the lucky few, you'll be able to hide yours with clothes, or make-up.  Maybe even carry on some semblance of a normal life.  More often than not though, hiding is impossible, and your life is forever changed. 

Enter Keith and Chris, two teens caught in the middle of the outbreak.  He's a sweet, shy guy, with eyes only for Chris.  She's proud, beautiful, and in love.  But not with Keith.  Together or apart, they'll have to find a way to survive this ordeal, finding themselves along the way.  But things will get worse before they get better, especially when murder is thrown into the mix.

Warning: Slight Spoilers Ahead

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Contract with God Trilogy - Book Review 1

Starting, um, now, I will be attempting to write reviews of the new graphic novels I read.  Heavily inspired by the Scott McCloud reading I've been doing, I decided to dive headfirst into the granddaddy of graphic novels, Will Eisner, by reading his ethnic American saga, The Contract with God Trilogy.

Eisner, by the way, is the man who coined the term graphic novel, suggesting that comics could be more than cheap childrens' fodder.  He is also the author of The Spirit, and is so famous and renowned within the comic book community, that the prestigious yearly comic awards, the Eisners, are named after him.

Warning: Slight spoilers ahead.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The 24-Hour Comic Dare

Scott McCloud

Scott McCloud is one of my favorite authors and the most famous comic book scholar in the world.  He is the author of Making Comics, Understanding Comics, and Reinventing Comics, all non-fiction graphic books about the history, function, art, and business of comic books.  He is also the author of his own fictional series, Zot!  But, for the purposes of this post, he is the innovator of the 24-hour Comic Dare.

I mentioned this briefly in our Monday meetinging, and thought it might be interesting to you guys.  Perhaps you'd like to test yourself and try it out.  I know I've been contemplating for awhile, but can never seem to find the time.  I plan to seriously discuss the possiblility of trying this out as a group in our next meeting.  Not that I would ever make something so challenging mandatory, but I'm fascinated with the possibilities.

Any thoughts?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Month 1 - Wolverine:Origin

Howdy guys!  Tonight is the second meeting of Graphic Content! and thus, the first actual discussion!  Yippee!  Yes, I really am always this cheerful, why do you ask?

So, here's what we read:

Title - Wolverine: Origin
Writers- Bills Jemas, Joe Quesada, and Paul Jenkins
Art- Andy Kubert and Richard Isanove
Released- 2002

A book about one of America's most famous superheroes...with no superheroics in it at all.  Weird, huh?


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Graphic Content's First Year Line-up!

Alrighty guys!  The books for our first year of graphic novel discussion group have been chosen and have all safely arrived into my possession.  Huzzah! 

There are 12 copies of each book, so that is how many members are being admitted.  The meetings are going to run on the second monday of each month at 6:00 pm, September through May.  If you are truly interested in joining and are available, please get in touch with me soon so that I can get you officially signed up! 

And now, to our choices!  These are the books we will be reading in the order we will be reading them!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good News, Everybody!

The Graphic Content: Jonesboro Public Library Graphic Novel Discussion group has been officially okie-dokied by my superiors!  The books are on order and should arrive within 2 weeks.  The first meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 12th @ 6:00.  It will last until 7:30.

The first year of the club's existence will be fluctuating between outstanding superhero titles from both Marvel and DC AND fantastic indie/alternative titles of varying different subject matter.  We will discuss the books as well as comic history, culture, and creation.  In addition to providing the books to be read, I am also creating Recommended Reading lists for members to glean books from.

I am so excited and hope to see you guys there!