Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Contract with God Trilogy - Book Review 1

Starting, um, now, I will be attempting to write reviews of the new graphic novels I read.  Heavily inspired by the Scott McCloud reading I've been doing, I decided to dive headfirst into the granddaddy of graphic novels, Will Eisner, by reading his ethnic American saga, The Contract with God Trilogy.

Eisner, by the way, is the man who coined the term graphic novel, suggesting that comics could be more than cheap childrens' fodder.  He is also the author of The Spirit, and is so famous and renowned within the comic book community, that the prestigious yearly comic awards, the Eisners, are named after him.

Warning: Slight spoilers ahead.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The 24-Hour Comic Dare

Scott McCloud

Scott McCloud is one of my favorite authors and the most famous comic book scholar in the world.  He is the author of Making Comics, Understanding Comics, and Reinventing Comics, all non-fiction graphic books about the history, function, art, and business of comic books.  He is also the author of his own fictional series, Zot!  But, for the purposes of this post, he is the innovator of the 24-hour Comic Dare.

I mentioned this briefly in our Monday meetinging, and thought it might be interesting to you guys.  Perhaps you'd like to test yourself and try it out.  I know I've been contemplating for awhile, but can never seem to find the time.  I plan to seriously discuss the possiblility of trying this out as a group in our next meeting.  Not that I would ever make something so challenging mandatory, but I'm fascinated with the possibilities.

Any thoughts?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Month 1 - Wolverine:Origin

Howdy guys!  Tonight is the second meeting of Graphic Content! and thus, the first actual discussion!  Yippee!  Yes, I really am always this cheerful, why do you ask?

So, here's what we read:

Title - Wolverine: Origin
Writers- Bills Jemas, Joe Quesada, and Paul Jenkins
Art- Andy Kubert and Richard Isanove
Released- 2002

A book about one of America's most famous superheroes...with no superheroics in it at all.  Weird, huh?