Sunday, April 8, 2012

Questions: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life

The original form of the wildly popular cult film!  Something hip for the youngsters...whippersnappers...rapscallions..  Yeah.  Anyhow, here are the questions for Bryan Lee O'Malley's cool and surreal runaway hit, Scott Pilgrim.

1) For those of you that have seen the film, how do you feel about the differences in character, pacing, and tone?

2) We've read/discussed a couple 90s comics that reference pop culture.  The first volume of SP was released in 2004 and for all of its strangeness, takes place in a realistic world littered with references to music, art, and technology.  Do you feel that Scott and his gang are a good representation of youth culture?

3) Scott is kind of an idiot.  Do you think his negative traits make him unsuitable for heroism, or does it simply make him more realistic?  Is Scott even a "good" person?

4)  Who is your favorite character?

5) Do you think that Scott's relationship with Knives Chau is appropriate?

6) Let's talk Ramona.  Mysterious and aloof, she's also Scott's dream girl.  Everything in the series revolves around her.  So what do we think about her?

7)  The art style of SP is beloved by fans, but heavily criticized by others, who say it is simplistic and repetitive (everyone has the same face/eyes).  Thoughts?

8) One of the most recognizable and continuously used traits of the book is the use of video game tropes and imagery.  Is this a positive aspect for you or does it seem superfluous?

9) SP is often shelved with the manga due to it's size/shape and its black and white art.  Yet the story takes place in Canada and was created by a Canadian.  Oni Press, which publishes SP, is an American company.  Where is the line between manga and what we simply refer to as "comics"?  Does manga have to be Asian?

10)  Based off of the first book, do you feel encouraged to continue the story?

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