Monday, August 13, 2012

Review: 100 Bullets Vol. 1

100 Bullets has a deliciously simple but effective premise: take a person who has been drastically wronged, give them a gun, 100 untraceable rounds of ammunition, proof positive of who wronged them, and permission to do as they please.  The results are entertaining, to say the least. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Extras: The Pitfalls of Comics Anatomy

The infamous Catwoman cover.

Anonymous satire

Parody by the fabulous Kate Beaton.

Over on the Facebook page, we've been having sort of an impromptu link share showing one of comics most well known features: horribly drawn anatomy.  While it is truly sad that talented artists often stoop to reinforcing bizarre body image icons, well, if you can't cry, you might as well laugh.  Warning: Not all links are safe for work.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Series Review: The Sandman

For the last year, I have been devouring Neil Gaiman's epic series, The Sandman.  Not only have I read all 10 of the collected editions of the series, but also 3 spin-off books, 1 collection of short stories, and The Sandman Companion by Hy Bender, which analyzes each book in the series through interviews with Mr. Gaiman himself.  The books revolve around an idea so big, that it encompasses near everything.  And I mean everything.  It's a story about stories.  So for lovers of fantasy, myth, history, and fairy tale, mixed with a fair bit of goth sensibility and family drama, strap in tight, because this is the series for you.