Thursday, September 27, 2012

Quickie: Li'l Depressed Boy

A satire that alternately mocks and embraces hipster culture through the tried and true format of "boy-meets-girl".  Cynical, but heartfelt, creator's S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace, show no remorse for the extremely blatant caricature that is the series, even going so far as to name their protagonist LDB, or Li'l Depressed Boy, a literal every man with a blank face and a doll body who is of course chasing his own Manic Pixie Dream Girl (look it up).  Without this wink to the reader, LDB would be cliche, and it is interesting to read a book toeing that thin of a line between sincerity and mockery.  The book is undeniably "hip", drenched in pop culture allusions and self referential humor, in almost a self-hating sort of way.  It even has a scan page in the back with instruction to make a LDB paper doll.  I read the first collected trade, and the comic is still ongoing, so for now, let's just call it an homage.  And speaking of homages, click the jump to see more fabulous LDB art, including shout outs to other tales of this genre.

LDB with Jazz, in an original cover.

"Say Anything"

"High Fidelity"


Oh, did I forget the mention that this book is particularly perfect for Scott Pilgrim fans?  Even they know it XD

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