Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Questions: Level Up

Cartoonist Gene Luen Yang has built his career from talking about what it is like to grow up as an Asian American.  Level Up continues in that vein by exploring the stereotype of the strict Asian parent, examining both its veracity and its effect upon the sons and daughters it is inflicted on.  

1)  Dennis' father believes that in order for him, or anyone else to be successful, they must learn to "eat bitterness".  What is your opinion on this philosophy?  How important is it to the maturing process to learn about self denial and disappointment?

2) In the book, the four "angels" are presented as actual physical beings who can and do effect the world.  In your opinion, do they actually exist, or are they a psychological result of Dennis' unresolved feelings about his father?

3) There is conflict between the characters Ipsha and Kat regarding the influence of one's family upon their ultimate destiny.  Do you agree with Kat, who believes that a person must choose their own path, or Ipsha, who believes that families should make these decisions together?  What role does/has your own family played in your life choices?

4) Dennis also faces conflict between whether a person only has a responsibility towards their own happiness, or if they owe something to the world as well.  What is your opinion on this matter?

5)  All upbringings are different, but Level Up asserts that one's cultural and racial background has a significant effect upon this process.  Besides the depiction of an Asian American upbringing shown here, what other ways can you think of that different American subcultures raise their children?

6) Level Up shares a key feature with Scott Pilgrim, which we read last year, the use of video game imagery and symbolism.  How well did LU make use of this device?  How do the two compare?

7) LU also deals with the issues of secrets within the family.  Even after his death, Dennis' mother maintained her husband's secrets about his past, even though it was directly effecting Dennis' life path.  When is keeping a secret like that appropriate, and when isn't it?

8)  In the end, it turns out that Dennis' father was projecting his own failures onto his son.  If parenting is all about teaching children from your own mistakes, was this really so bad?  Or was he being selfish?

9) What do you think about Dennis' compromise at the end?

10) The art, what do you think?


What do you want to do with your life?  How did you get to where you are, and how are you working on achieving the future of your dreams?

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